Dissertation Topic: Resilient and Efficient Software-Defined Networking for Smart City Communication Systems
M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, T. Chin, P. Hu, and D. Oliveira
A Preemption-Based Timely Software Defined Networking Framework for Emergency Response Traffic Delivery.
The International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), IEEE 2019.
M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, Y. Xin, and N. Ghani
LatencySmasher: A Software-Defined Networking-Based Framework for End-to-End Latency Optimization.
The 44th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), IEEE 2019.
T. Chin, M. Rahouti, and K. Xiong
End-to-End Delay Minimization Approaches Using Software-Defined Networking.
The International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS), ACM 2017, pp. 184--189.
T. Chin, M. Rahouti, and K. Xiong
SDN-Based Kernel Modular Countermeasure for Intrusion Detection.
The International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Systems (SecureComm), Springer 2017, pp. 270--290.
H. Ni, M. Rahouti, A. Chakrabortty, K. Xiong, and Y. Xin
A Distributed Cloud-based Wide-Area Controller with SDN-Enabled Delay Optimization
IEEE PES General Meeting (PESGM), 2018.
M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, T. Chin, and P. Hu
SDN-ERS: A Timely Software Defined Networking Framework for Emergency Response Systems.
IEEE CPS Week, SCOPE 2018.
T. Chin, M. Rahouti, and K. Xiong
Applying Software-Defined Networking to Minimize the End-to-End Delay of Network Services.
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, ACM 2018, Volume 18, number 1, pp. 30--40
T. Chin, K. Xiong, and M. Rahouti
Kernel-Space Intrusion Detection Using Software-Defined Networking.
EAI Endorsed Transactions, 2018.
M. Rahouti, K. Xiong, and N. Ghani
Bitcoin Concepts, Threats, and Machine-Learning Security Solutions.
IEEE Access, 2019.
D. Oliveira, M. Pourvali, J. Crichigno, E. Bou-Harb, M. Rahouti, and N. Ghani
An Efficient Multi-Objective Resiliency Scheme for Routing of Virtual Functions in Failure Scenarios.
The International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), IEEE 2019.
M. Rahouti and K. Xiong
A Customized Educational Booster for Online Students in Cybersecurity Education.
The International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), 2019.
M. Rahouti and K. Xiong
Understanding Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for Computer Networking and Security Education.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2019.
M. Rahouti and K. Xiong
Facilitation of Cybersecurity Learning Through Real-World Hands-On Labs.
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2019.
F. Shaikh, M. Rahouti, N. Ghani, K. Xiong, E. Bou-Harb, and J. Haque
A Review of Recent Advances and Security Challenges in Emerging E-Enabled Aircraft Systems.
IEEE Access, 2019.
Office: CMC 303C // mrahouti@mail.usf.edu
Postal: 4202 E Fowler Ave, Tampa // Florida 33620 // United States